The Empty Casket Team
Tanya Gilroy
Co-Founder & Lead Investigator
Since toddlerhood, Tanya has been exposed to the supernatural. She was raised with stories of ancient folklore and scary tales that immediately sparked her interest in the paranormal world. Ghosts, goblins and all things mystical and mysterious have sculpted her beliefs, views and interests in life; a passion that she proudly has passed down to her two children. Though she maintains a healthy skeptical view, she doesn't discard the possibility that there are other beings or worlds beyond our own human knowledge. Having had personal experiences herself, she seeks to find answers to what truly causes these unique situations to occur and is immensely interested in finding out how the human mind and these occurrences are intertwined. Aside from just the paranormal aspect, she also has deep interests in the cryptid and UFO phenomenon and believes that everything is connected on some level. To track down the answers she seeks, Tanya co-founded Empty Casket Paranormal with Bill Bryan in October of 2020.

Bill Bryan
Co-Founder & Lead Investigator
From a child, Bill has been interested in the paranormal. He grew up in a haunted house, having seen his first apparition when he was just a boy. An experience that started his questioning of the known universe. He joined his first paranormal investigative group in college. This gave him a taste of the supernatural world, and he wanted more. To chase what he once saw as a boy and find the truth behind the paranormal. As an electromagnetics engineer, Bill is knowledgeable of the physics and workings of much of the equipment. He uses this knowledge to expand the scope of paranormal investigations and to keep the investigations grounded within the scientific method. His education brings a unique view point to the field of paranormal investigation. To further his studies of the paranormal, he co-founded Empty Casket Paranormal with Tanya Gilroy in October of 2020.

Quailin Gilroy
Quailin or "Q" has been interested in the paranormal world for as long as he could remember and even had some ghostly encounters as a child that made him begin questioning what exactly is out there. He is an avid Dungeons and Dragons player and has always had a fascination with mythology and folklore from all over the world. He loves discovering how these legends play a role in the current beliefs of the supernatural and paranormal world. His goal for being a part of Empty Casket is to learn how to integrate scientific methods and techniques within the paranormal area and to possibly develop his own techniques to help in investigations. He enjoys learning about historical events of places and feels that this will provide him a chance to collect stories and ideas to use in his own creative process.

Isadora Gilroy
Junior Investigator
Isadora or "Issy" is the youngest member of Empty Casket and is considered to be a Junior Investigator. She has always enjoyed all things scary and feels this is a good opportunity for her to learn how to use scientific and logical skills and to formulate her own beliefs of the unknown. Like her older brother, she too has experienced strange occurrences in her childhood that have led her to become fascinated by ghosts and the supernatural. She feels Empty Casket will allow her the opportunity to learn how to face fears of the unknown and to have hands-on experience with working with different machinery and tools to measure data.